Virtual Museum – Acts of Kindness Jar


In Celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.: Acts of Kindness Jar!

Create an Act of Kindness Jar in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King is an exceptional example of kindness in action. This project will help encourage your children to build empathy and compassion towards those around them.


  • Empty jar or can
  • Glue
  • Tissue or thin paper (variety of colors)
  • Three to five popsicle sticks or short strips of paper to write on
  • Markers
  • Ribbon
  • Optional: scissors, paint, stickers, tape


  1. Discuss with your children ways they could show kindness at home and towards others.
    • Call someone to say “I love you”
    • Wave to a neighbor through the window (social distance)
    • Give someone a hug
  2. With a marker write each act of kindness on a popsicle stick or strip of paper.
  3. Cut or tear paper into a variety of shapes and sizes to decorate the outside of the jar.
  4. Glue pieces of paper to the jar.
  5. Let dry!
  6. Place the popsicle sticks in the jar.
  7. During breakfast have the children pull out a popsicle stick. Ask them to perform that act throughout the day. Make this part of your daily morning routine.
  8. At the end of the day, ask your child how it went. Were they able to perform an act of kindness? How did it make them feel to do so?


  • What does it mean to be kind?
  • How can we show kindness at home?
  • Can you tell me about a time when someone was kind to you?
  • Can you tell me about a time when you were kind to someone?


  • Supports vocabulary skills as your child discusses ideas for kind acts
  • Encourages compassion and empathy to those around us
  • Develops fine motor skills through cutting, tearing and gluing


Read and make connections together. Read a book to inspire your child’s natural inclination towards helping others. Read the book as a family and discuss the ways the characters were kind to others. Ask your child to think about simple daily acts that show kindness towards others. Suggested reading: Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller.