Healthy Choices: A Puppet Show


The puppets were originally created for the Legacy for Children Award Dinner that honored Carol Spinney, the puppeteer who created Big Bird and other Sesame Street characters. In addition to the award dinner, the show was performed several other times including CDM's safe nights.


"Healthy Choices" is the story of Noel, a thirteen year-old girl, and the choices she is faced with during an average day. Noel interacts with Cookie Man, Terrence the Toothbrush, and Bad Influence and makes key decisions about a healthy lifestyle throughout her day.


The DY participants wrote the script, and with guidance from a professional puppet maker, created the puppets themselves.


This project represented some of the best elements of Discovery Youth:


  • "Healthy Choices" is a health-themed activity that disseminated health information to young people and the general public
  • Participants developed their own guiding questions, then researched the answers
  • Discovery Youth worked together as a diverse team to accomplish an extremely challenging project



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This report was written by Dan Gilbert. Feel free to contact him at