Prepare for Bill’s Backyard


Backpack of Essentials

You’ll be ready to play outdoors when you remember to bring your Backpack of Essentials.

Hydration and Nutrition
Pack some water and snacks for your visit. For water bottle refills, there are hydration stations around the Museum. You’re welcome to enjoy your snack in Discovery Meadow and reenter afterwards. Vending machines with healthy snacks and drinks are available inside the Museum.

Weather Protection
For a sunny day, pack your sunglasses and sunscreen.
For a windy or chilly day, pack an extra sweater or jacket, and maybe some gloves.
For a rainy day, pack a poncho or other raingear.
Any day, wear sturdy shoes and bring layers of clothing to be ready for anything!

Pack additional supplies you may need, including tissues, baby wipes and hand sanitizer.

Rainy Days Are Just Another Way to Have Fun

You can have fun and learn, rain or shine. In San Jose’s semi-arid climate, rain can be rare—except when it’s not! Make new discoveries by spending time outdoors in Bill’s Backyard during all kinds of weather.

Look for wildlife that pop out during a rainfall. Watch how birds behave, and colors change. Listen to the raindrops fall on the pavilion roof. Feel how mud is different from dirt. How does the air smell when it’s raining?

Remember, there’s no such thing as bad weather—only incompatible clothing! Come prepared for today’s unique opportunities for fun.

Access and Amenities

Exhibit spaces are wheelchair accessible, and offer multi-sensory, layered experiences for children of varying developmental stages, interests, and backgrounds.

Discovery Meadow

Make a day of it! The surrounding Guadalupe River Park offers ample space for picnics.