Media Room Keyword diversity

Executive Director Marilee Jennings On Diversity & Inclusion with SV Business Journal

Silicon Valley Business Journal
November 16, 2018

On any given day in the museum, you'll hear numerous languages being spoken. The museum's audience mirrors the tremendous diversity in the Bay Area. This is no accident. It's the result of years of intentional work that includes everything from the Cultural Celebration Series, tri-lingual signage, staffing decisions, and exhibits and programs to deeply held community partnerships. Learn More

Community Service Learning, Creativity through the Arts, Early Childhood Development, Environmental Stewardship, Exhibition Development, General Museum, Health Promotion, Inclusion & Cultural Competence, Learning Research, Partnerships & Resource Development, Science Learning

Annual Weekend Celebrates Rainbow of Diversity and Inclusion

The Mercury News
August 27, 2017

Kids and parents braided friendship bracelets, learned what the colors of the rainbow flag represent, and participated in a lively crochet jam, led by social justice artist Ramekon O' Arwisters at this year's annual Proud of My Family event. As part of the museum's Inclusion and Cultural Competence initiative, the program is designed to build awareness and understanding among people of diverse ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, sexual orientations and family configurations. Learn More

Creativity through the Arts, Inclusion & Cultural Competence, Partnerships & Resource Development